FINAE as the leader student loan company in Mexico, is one of the very few companies at an international level that has managed to place the stock market at the service of the base of the social pyramid.
If you are an investor, analyst, member of a reporting agency, regulating entity, reporter, or if you are interested in receiving information about FINAE, please contact us and we will gladly help you.
Investor Relations
+52 (55) 5616-6945 x 1035
Jesús García Martínez
+52 (55) 5616-6945
EDUCACB 13 is the first note of the student sector in Mexico and the first securization of student loans in Latin America. This first $126.8 million pesos note is part of a $600 million pesos program.
FINAECB15 is the second securization of student loans by FINAE. It is a $200 million pesos note of a $1,000 million pesos program.
Both notes are AAA (E) rated and backed by monthly payments from the students and a guarantee by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).